Monday, October 11, 2010

A wedding

My mother is going to have a wedding this Sunday after postponing it three times already. What's more odd is that they are only marrying under God which mean they wont be getting a Marriage License and be able to reap various tax benefits. I do understand why since the soon to be her husband is deep in debt and my mother doesn't want to ruin her credit score. Smart move since if my mom finds out that they are not compatible then they can just break up without going to court.

In fact that what everyone should do since a million lawyers will find themselves bankrupt and have to pursue an actual careers other than being vampires. The only difference between lawyers and vampires is that the lawyers are immune to the destructive sun.

I personally will never consider him to be a step-dad regardless if they legally got married. He will always be regarded as a guy living with my mother.

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